Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring Report

Meeting: 19/02/2009 - Cabinet (Item 91)

91 Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To report December’s budget monitoring information and provide an indication of estimated outturn.


Additional documents:


The Director of Resources presented to Cabinet the Budget Monitoring Report outlining December’s budget monitoring information and indication of estimated outturn.  The Director advised that the report referred to the first nine months of the year and was one of good news as the authority had moved to an overall underspend. 


The Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee referred to the reduction in planning applications due to in the current financial climate and the use of potential Section 106 monies, the Ross flood alleviation scheme and the need for clarity on office accommodation expenses.


The Leader of the Council stated 106 monies were relevant to plans completed and details were provided to the audit section.  The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation referred to the flood and climate issues resulting in extra winter maintenance and advised it could result in some overspend.  The Chief Executive advised that there was a special reserve specifically for issues such as the additional winter maintenance costs, which would be used in this instance.


The Director of Resources referred Cabinet to the capital budget and to the table on page 193 of the report which outlined some of the movement in the capital programme.


               THAT:   a)     the forecast outturn for 2008/09 agreed with Directors based on service and financial performance outlined in the report be noted; and

                              b)    the continuing efforts of all Directors to ensure service targets were met within approved budgets be endorsed.