Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review of Day Services For Older People

Meeting: 22/01/2009 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Scrutiny Review of Day Services For Older People pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To consider the response to the recommendations arising from the scrutiny review of day services for older people.


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Prior to the formal consideration of the report, the Leader advised Cabinet that the Interim Director Adult Social Care, Eleanor Brazil was attending her last Cabinet prior to her departure from the authority on 27 January 2009.  He placed on record his thanks for the considerable work which had been undertaken during her time with Herefordshire Council.  The Cabinet Member Social Care and Adults echoed these sentiments.


The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member Social Care and Adults who commended the work undertaken by a Scrutiny Review Group, under the chairmanship of Councillor Bowen.  The Cabinet Member stated that the review group had done a thorough job and had outlined clear recommendations for action.  In acknowledging that the formal process of the Cabinet receiving the report’s recommendations had not been fully adhered to, the Cabinet Member stated that work had progressed in line with the action plan in order that better quality day services were being delivered. 


The Interim Director Adult Social Care, in response to a question regarding the level of predicted rise in the number of older people, stated that the figures were based on information gained through the census and a comprehensive Needs Analysis undertaken during 2007 which informed the prediction of service needs for the next 20 years.  These services would need to address a predicted marked rise in the 85+ year olds group and in dementia suffers.  The Leader stated the predicted rise would equate to an additional 20% with more intensive and costly care required to support the needs of the older community.


Following comments from the Chairman of Strategic Monitoring Committee it was confirmed that it was deemed best practice for the Executive to receive scrutiny reports within two months of the report’s receipt by the Cabinet Member. 


The Cabinet Member Social Care and Adults and supporting officers were complimented for taking on board the recommendations of the scrutiny review and for implementing changes in a timely manner, however Members requested clarity on the recommendations and accompanying action plan for consideration at a future Cabinet meeting.


The Chairman of the Review Group commended the report for approbation and thanked officers and service users for their input into what was a complex and difficult area; he was further complemented on the production of a well researched report.


The Cabinet Member Economic Development and Community Services stated that service configuration of specific day care centres would be the subject of a report to a future meeting of Cabinet, following consultation with staff and service users, this was welcomed by Members in attendance as an opportunity to consider the benefits of the cost effectiveness of localised facilities.  A report on day care contracts was proposed for consideration by Cabinet during May 2009.


The Leader thanked the Members of the Scrutiny Review Group and stated that whilst consideration of the modernisation agenda of any service provision was difficult, current care provision could not be sustained to support the predicted increase in the levels of need.


RESOLVED  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78