Issue - meetings

Council Employee Opinion Survey 2009

Meeting: 22/01/2009 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 Council Employee Opinion Survey 2008 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To note the contents of the attached report as presented to Joint Management Team on 1 December, 2008 and also note that the corporate action plan will be published at the end of January 2009.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate, Customer Services and Human Resources presented the report on the results of the Council’s eighth Employee Opinion Survey 2008 and highlighted that 50% of employees had submitted a response to the survey.  Whilst this response was higher than the average response rate for local government, the Cabinet Member stated that an increase in the percentage of employees responding to future surveys would be welcomed.  In drawing Members attention to paragraph 5 of the report which highlighted a 6% rise in the level of disagreement that action would be taken in light of the survey feedback, the Cabinet Member stated that assurance would be required that action would be taken in light of survey results.  The work undertaken by the Resources Directorate and West Mercia Supplies were highlighted as good practice.  The Cabinet Member emphasised the need for the Staff Review and Development (SRD) process to be a positive one which produced targeted outcomes and expressed disappointment by the deterioration in the statement that ‘the SRD was a worthwhile discussion’ (page 57). 


The Assistant Chief Executive Human Resources and Organisational Development (HR & OD) stated that there were a number of very positive results in the survey but that it was necessary for demonstrable action to be taken to address concerns raised in the survey and that corporate, directorate and service action plans would be developed to tackle concerns.  These action plans would be communicated widely to staff.  In relation to the SRD documentation, it was reported that this would be redrafted to make it easier for all to use.  Directorates were accountable for the completion rates of SRDs within each of their service areas.


Responding to a question raised by a Member in Attendance about whether the deterioration in some statements indicated a level of dissatisfaction within the authority, the Assistant Chief Executive HR & OD stated that with the amount of organisational change experienced by staff it was inevitable for fluctuation to exist in results from year to year, however an Action Learning Group would be looking to identify any lessons that can be learnt from handling organisational change so that the organisation can continue to improve. In highlighting areas of strength, the Assistant Chief Executive HR & OD stated that the Council compared well in statements relating to, communications and organisation; equality and treatment; bullying and harassment; health and safety.


A Member in attendance observed the low survey responses from the Children’s Services and Adult Social Care Directorates and asked whether there was a particular reason for the low rate from staff in these two front line services.  In response the Assistant Chief Executive HR & OD advised Members that she was not aware of specific issues but would seek feedback from the relevant Directorates.



The decisions of the Joint Management Team of 1 December 2008 regarding the Council Employee Opinion Survey be noted and that a report be provided to Cabinet in April 2009.


It was noted that the Joint Management Team (JMT)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82