Issue - meetings

Ofsted APA Outcomes for Children's Services 2008

Meeting: 22/01/2009 - Cabinet (Item 81)

81 Ofsted APA Outcomes for Children's Services 2008 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To update the Cabinet and formally report the outcome of the recent 2008 Annual Performance Assessment (APA) inspection of Children’s Services.


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The Cabinet Member Children’s Service introduced the report on the outcomes of the recent 2008 Annual Performance Assessment (APA) inspection of Children’s Services and informed Cabinet that good progress had been made since the last APA.  The Cabinet Member stated that it was encouraging to note that it had been assessed that the Council’s capacity to improve its services for Children and Young People was good.


In presenting the report to Cabinet, the Director for Children’s Services informed Members that the APA results demonstrated that the authority had built on its past experiences which included progressing out of Government Office intervention in the Autumn 2007.  The Director echoed the Cabinet Member’s sentiments that it was pleasing to note that the service had capacity to improve and that it had been acknowledged that the Directorate was making stepped progress.


Members’ attention was drawn to the five outcomes in the report which also reflected the work of other partner organisations.  It was recognised that whilst progress had been achieved, it was important not to be complacent and that continued improvement would be sought in working with partners across all outcomes, with a particular focus around safeguarding. The Director advised Members of the introduction of new systems that had been put in place following a miscalculation (relating to a family of three children) which resulted in a substantial negative impact on the authority’s performance in relation to the Child Protection Register.  It was recognised that safeguarding currently had a national profile, however the Director sought to assure Members that regardless of the national profile, safeguarding was of high importance to the authority and that working practices and systems were being assessed to ensure their robustness; safeguarding was everyone’s responsibility.  The investment and introduction of the Frameworki IT system which monitored and supported the process of casework had provided the added benefit of maintaining and motivating social workers, however it was acknowledged that whilst the authority was actively working towards meeting the target for the recruitment of social workers this was a known area of national shortage.


The Chief Executive, in responding to a question posed by a Member in attendance, stated that no authority could give categorical assurance that a tragedy such as had been recently related in the national press would not occur in their area, however it was incumbent on the authority to ensure that systems and processes worked together with good staff to support all children who have Child Protection Plans and to ensure that they had access to a range of services. 


Responding to a comment relating to the recruitment of social workers the Leader reminded Members that the authority had been innovative in their method of recruitment, however, he stated that the adverse publicity relating to the role of social workers may have an impact on what was an already acknowledged shortage.  It was emphasised that whilst it was important to retain a sense of balance on such issues, it was essential that vigilance be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81