Issue - meetings

Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 22/01/2009 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To seek approval of the revised Local Development Scheme.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report which sought their approval for the revised Local Development Scheme (LDS).


The Planning Policy Manager (PPM) advised Members that the report outlined the need for the Council’s LDS, a statutory requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Act 2004, to be up to date and stated that it was a requirement placed on local planning authorities to publish a statement of how their forward planning work would be organised over a three year period.  Members were referred to a diagram on page 93 of the report which illustrated (in the form of shaded boxes) those development plan documents for which approval was sought and their relationship with the wider Local Development Framework and associated publications.  In referring to the diagram, the Planning Policy Manager advised Members that the Community Infrastructure Levy was awaiting secondary legislation and once this had been determined, the issue would be the subject of a report to Cabinet at a later date.


Responding to a question raised by a Member in Attendance regarding parish councils being consulted at an early stage in the process, the Planning Policy Manager stated that a consultation document had been widely circulated and commented upon.


Members were advised that the Community Plan would be informed by the LDS process and that the evidence base used reflected information contained within existing resources and technical studies.


In response to a Member in attendance, the PPM stated that it was acknowledged that the economic climate was challenging, however it was necessary to have a robust strategy in place to ensure that planning remained proactive in enabling the required infrastructure and housing.


The Leader reminded Members that Herefordshire was a priority area for funding to be allocated to the county from the Homes and Communities Agency.  The report being considered sought to confirm a body of work which had been progressed for some time, reflecting the extension of the UDP.  The Leader stated it was important to get the vision right for Hereford City as this area had a significant impact on the economic, health and educational hinterland.


The PPM, responding to a question regarding housing standards stated that one of the supplementary planning documents would specify design standards, however this was not before Cabinet for decision at this meeting.



The revised Local Development Scheme be approved and have effect from 28 February 2009.