Issue - meetings

LEA Pool Report Following on from the Scrutiny Call-in

Meeting: 20/11/2008 - Cabinet (Item 62)

62 Call-in of Cabinet Decision on Swimming Pool Provision For Primary Schools in Hereford City pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To consider the recommendations made by the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee in relation to the call in of the Key Decision on swimming provision for primary schools in and around Hereford City and the future of the LEA swimming pool.

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Cabinet considered a report giving details of the recommendations made by the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee in relation to the call-in of the key decision on swimming provision for primary schools in and around Hereford City and the future of the LEA swimming pool.


The Chairman of Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, presented the report and reminded Members that Cabinet had considered the LEA pool facility on two previous occasions and subsequently by the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee.  She reported that she had been contacted by many people in her role as Chairman, with the view that the pool should be re-opened and requested that the local community be given the opportunity to put forward a business plan.


The Leader reminded Members that at the Cabinet meeting on 31 July, a business plan in respect of the LEA pool had been considered.


The Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee expressed concern about the lack of communication and consultation prior to the closing of the pool.  The Labour Group Leader stated that he had requested that all community groups should be consulted on the LEA pool issue but believed this had not been carried out.  He took the view that following the swimming successes in the recent Olympic and Para-Olympic games, and with the next Olympics being held in this country, it was likely there would be more demand for swimming.  He referred to a development at Saxon Gate and Section 106 agreement monies which he considered could be utilised towards maintaining the pool.  He urged Cabinet to support the Scrutiny Committee recommendations.


The Leader emphasised that if the LEA swimming pool was a community project it was for the community to put a business case forward.  He reminded Members that the provision of swimming for the over 60s had some budgetary pressure and that there were also budgetary implications for the provision of free swimming for the under 16s.  With these issues in mind, the lifespan and business expansion of the HALO pool had been considered.  He further pointed out that the Herefordshire pools swimming capacity had been increased and that the capacity, functionality and safeguarding issues at all public swimming facilities and the LEA pool were continually being monitored.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources reminded members that LEA pools were maintained to certain standards and finance was set aside in this respect. In view of the maintenance guidelines which needed to be adhered to and other budgetary pressures to maintain the LEA pool, she could not support the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee recommendations.


A Member in attendance was of the view that the arguments in respect of the LEA pool had been put to Cabinet a few months previously but welcomed sound reasonable and sensible ideas to enable the pool to be re-opened.  He referred to a large number of the community who wanted the pool to re-open and considered its re-opening to be essential.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62