Issue - meetings

Monitoring Officer's Report

Meeting: 20/11/2008 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 Ombudsman Letter and Complaints and Compliments Monitoring 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To inform Cabinet of the Ombudsman Annual Letter 2007/08 and the figures for complaints recorded and determined by the Local Government Ombudsman and the Complaints Panel for the year ended 31 March 2008.  To update Cabinet on other governance matters relating to the Standards Committee.

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Cabinet considered a report which informed Members of the Ombudsman Annual Letter 2007/08 and the figures for complaints recorded and determined by the Local Government Ombudsman and the Complaints Panel for the year ended 31 March 2008 and which updated Cabinet on other governance matters relating to the Standards Committee. 


The Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic presented the report.  He asked Cabinet to take notice of the monitoring processes, internal complaints and ombudsman complaints procedures and benchmarking.  He added that the Council was in the top quartile of Unitary Councils responding to the Ombudsman within 28 days achieving a target of 23 days. The Ombudsman recognised that the Council’s complaints processes worked well and that the complaints referred to him were not premature.


A question was asked regarding timescales for complaints considered by the Standards Committee. The Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic reported that the Assessment Sub Committee did have timescales to consider complaints and also with reviews and investigations.


The Cabinet member Environment and Strategic Housing referred to the 12 complaints in Planning and Building Control from I April 2007 to 31 March 2008 and was of the view that this was a very good performance by the Planning Department.


The Labour Group Leader considered that it should be noted that the officers had been very thorough in carrying out their work and was delighted to say that the processes worked well.


The Leader stated that it was important to note when allegations are made against persons in public office and the sensitivity such allegations create.



RESOLVED:   That the report be noted.


The meeting had a short break at this point, 4 pm, and the Cabinet Member, Social Care Adults and the Cabinet Member, Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources left the meeting.