Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/11/2008 - Cabinet (Item 68)


To recommend new systems for an Integrated Support Services (‘back office’) and a new system for Performance Management and Risk Management, and to address the integration of systems by both recommending a toolset that will integrate systems.   To progress the integration of the Social Care  Core Logic system with other Council and Primary Care Trust (PCT)  systems and note the successful implementation of the new Core Logic system.


Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report recommending new systems for an Integrated Support Services (‘back office’) and a new system for Performance Management and Risk Management, and to address the integration of systems by both recommending a toolset that will integrate systems.  Also, to progress the integration of the Social Care  Core Logic system with other Council and Primary Care Trust (PCT)  systems and note the successful implementation of the new Core Logic system.


The Cabinet Member ICT, Education and Achievement presented the report and reminded Cabinet that the report followed reports previously submitted to the July and October Cabinet meetings.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) reported that Core Logic went live on 10 November and was within budget. Also that a very robust exercise had been completed on the procurement exercise. There was now an absolute clear audit line

in that area. He referred to the evaluation process that had been run jointly with Deloitte and he was satisfied that the scrutiny exercises that had taken place before determining the recommendations before Cabinet.


The Chairman of Strategic Monitoring Committee that in regard to the back office comparisons, he considered that the report tended to move towards Agresso rather than SAP even though SAP seems to have better links in local authority services.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) referred to the rationale for recommending Agresso on page 169 (a) to (e) of the report. He stated that the basic decision made was to have a system that met the Council’s needs in Council’s Services and the clear recommendation by the Audit Commission to work with the National Health Service as well as the Council’s Services. The completed evaluation process then set out the full model of shared services. Joint Management Team called in SAP and Agresso to assess both firms and it was found that SAP was the more expensive system. Also that user evaluations were universally more positive for the way in which the Agreeso system operated. With regard to  value for money and how the Council worked with the Primary Care Trust (PCT), it was found that SAP would cost more but the service would not be increased.


David Harper representing Deloitte informed Cabinet that if the PCT links were taken out of the integration equation, the recommendation before Cabinet would be the same.


The Independent Group Leader asked where the obvious monetary savings would be per annum.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) referred Members to the impact on the Revenue Budget on page 171 of the report. There would be costs and savings in procurement. Also there would be efficiency savings and managing of a period of time. With the introduction of better systems, this would reduce the total number of systems from eight down to six.


The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation requested assurance that the costs and benefits before Cabinet were final. Also would it be necessary to change the new systems within a few years.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) referred to the cost analysis  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68