Issue - meetings

Land at Farraday Road, Hereford

Meeting: 11/09/2008 - Cabinet (Item 44)

44 Land at Faraday Road, Hereford pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To seek approval for preparatory steps to be taken to acquire by agreement or make a potential compulsory purchase order for land at Faraday Road

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Economic Development and Community Services presented a report which sought the approval for preparatory steps to be taken to acquire by agreement or make a potential compulsory purchase order for land at Faraday Road, Hereford.  The Cabinet Member advised Cabinet that the land was allocated for employment use within the adopted Unitary Development Plan and if required could provide a site to which business from within the ESG area could be relocated.  The total area of the plot was 4.3 acres and was currently the only sizable employment development site north of the river Wye.


The Chairman of the SMC declared a personal interest, as he was the relevant Cabinet Member in post when the UDP was adopted. 


In response to a question raised, the Director of Regeneration advised Cabinet that although a statutory challenge to the Inspector’s decision to the refusal of planning permission was being sought by Bovale Limited and would be heard on 12 October, this hearing did not relate to the ‘ownership’ of the land, and therefore did not preclude Cabinet from forming a view on the issue.




(a)   Authorise negotiations with the owners of all interests in the land at Faraday Road in an attempt to acquire the land by agreement;


(b)   Agree that the Council will in principle consider using its powers of compulsory purchase to promote an Order for the compulsory purchase of the land and authorise preparatory steps to be taken as required in tandem with negotiations to acquire by agreement; and


(c)   Note that if the Land cannot be acquired by agreement, a further report confirming the financial implications and options available to the Council, and recommending a preferred course of action will be prepared for Cabinet.