Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2008 - Cabinet (Item 58)


To update Cabinet on the progress of the Herefordshire Connects evaluation of ICT system solutions, which has been managed in compliance with the Council’s Procurement Policy.  It also recommends a new system for Environment and Planning.


The technology choices will support the Council’s delivery of service improvements and efficiencies through the Connects Programme, in partnership with Herefordshire PCT.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report which gave an update on the progress of the Herefordshire Connects evaluation of ICT system solutions, which has been managed in compliance with the Council’s Procurement Policy. It also recommended a new system for Environment and Planning.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) drew Members attention to the Joint Management Team’s recommendations that had been approved by Cabinet at 31 July 2008, paragraph two of the report refers. With regard to two significant risks, he informed Cabinet that the short term upgrade of the finance system had been carried out which would address imminent service continuity risks and that the upgrade of the Customer Relationship Management System was in progress. He also emphasised that the approach would operate entirely within the procurement process and that a report would be submitted to the next meeting with the next set of proposals following the report presented to the Cabinet meeting on 31 July 2008.


The Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee expressed concerns that the proposals might struggle as a link with the NHS systems.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) informed Cabinet that the recommendation to approve Civica did not require any links to the NHS systems. NHS nationally specified systems were mainly clinical and, with the exception of the NHS Electronic Staff Record, there were no links with regard to the integrated support services and performance risk management systems. The officers would however be looking at ways in which the Council can potentially integrate its systems with Herefordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT).


In response to a question form the Independent Group Leader regarding efficiency savings, the Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) reported that there significant savings had already been delivered and that the overall business case reported to Cabinet on the 31 July 2008 set out the future efficiency savings. The savings were being tracked and would be reported to Cabinet at the next meeting. They were also being quality assured on a regular basis to insure benefit.


The Director of Resources reminded Cabinet that the Council had a good record on efficiency targets and that the Hereford Connects Programme was a plan which would continue that record.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Strategic Housing referred to integrated solutions for Environment and Planning and in particular quality of Management. He requested confirmation that quality of information to Members would be improved and asked when the improvement would be in place.


The Programme Manager for Herefordshire Connects reported that quality of management was key. The out of town scanning arrangement was timescaled to be in place at the end of summer 2009. One of the key issues was the Primary Care Trust aspect. The two remaining companies from the original shortlist of five were both capable of providing the specified technical integration with other systems for the Council and the PCT.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) informed Cabinet that the remaining two companies for the provision of the Integrated Support Services system were going through a very intensive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58