Issue - meetings

Minster College Building Schools for the Future - One School Pathfinder - Award of Contract

Meeting: 11/09/2008 - Cabinet (Item 43)

43 Minster College Building Schools for the Future One School Pathfinder – Award of Contract pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To receive and approve the recommendation of the Building Schools for the Future Project Board to award the design and build contract for the above scheme to Stepnell Limited.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for ICT, Education and Achievement advised Cabinet that the Cabinet Members for Children’s Services and ICT, Education and Achievement had taken a key decision to appoint Stepnell Ltd as the preferred contractor.  The item under consideration provided Cabinet with an update on the delivery of the project and sought Cabinet’s ratification of the contract, which was not a key decision as outlined in the report.


The Schools Planning and Access Manager advised Members that through the Buliding Schools for the Future project, Herefordshire had been successful in bidding for £20,642,037 to deliver the Minster College Building Schools for the Future ne School Pathfinder scheme, the funding of which was being met through the Department for Children Schools and Families.  Members were informed that following a two stage tendering process, three tenders were submitted and evaluated, with Stepnell Ltd being appointed as the preferred contractor.


The Cabinet Member Corporate Customer Services and Human Resources stated that the project was good news for the county as a whole, and in particular those in the north of the county.  The new school buildings would provide a community facility for the arts, which has long been a priority for the area.  It was vital that the scheme was completed to deadline as the school was currently being accommodated in portacabins in advance of the availability of the new buildings.


In response to question from a Member in attendance, the Schools Planning and Access Manager stated that item 10 on the risk register relating to ICT integration and infrastructure (page 199), would remain with the contractor and would need to be delivered in line with the detailed contract outline.


Members complemented the clear manner in which the content of the risk register (appendix 3 to the report) had been presented.


The Chairman of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee informed Cabinet that she had attended several public meetings in relation to Minster College and was pleased to confirm her support for the project.  Cllr Robertson stated that it had been evidenced that children performed educationally better in a pleasant teaching environment, and with this in mind, it was therefore disappointing that the scheme would not be due for completion until December 2010.



RESOLVED                that: Cabinet endorse the recommendation of the report that the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Project Board award the design and build contract, for the Minster College Building Schools for the Future One School Pathfinder scheme, to Stepnell Limited.