Issue - meetings

ESG Masterplan

Meeting: 11/09/2008 - Cabinet (Item 45)

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To adopt the ESG Masterplan as a basis for the ongoing development of the ESG Area and as a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.


The Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing introduced the report that sought the endorsement of Cabinet to the ESG Masterplan and its consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.  Councillor Jarvis stated that the Masterplan had been developed in line with the UDP policies and those of the adopted Supplementary Planning Document, and as such all three had been developed to act in a complementary manner.


The Chairman of SMC declared a personal interest as a former Cabinet Member for Environment.  He wished to forward the view of his group leader (who was not present), who expressed concern about the potential impact to the traders in the city.  In response the Leader emphasised that the ESG Masterplan sought to deliver maximum benefit for both the City of Hereford and for Herefordshire as a whole.  The future of Hereford City as a vibrant retail centre was integral to the success of the ESG.


During discussion of this issue, general support was given the ESG Masterplan and ESG Ltd were thanked for making available workshops on differing topics.  It was acknowledged that the Masterplan was a flexible document which had benefited from incorporating several areas of new thinking, which had come about as a result of wide consultation and dialogue.


The Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation stated that assurance had been given on the development of even closer working on issues, e.g the same consultants had been retained to develop solutions for both pedestrian and road traffic, thus providing a real opportunity to develop future synergies.


A ward member addressed the Cabinet and stated that the brief given to ESG was flawed and was not brave.  The Masterplan was constrained by site and was not seeing the city centre as a whole.  Cabinet was requested to consider undertaking a Town Centre Impact Assessment which would assess the affect on the Town Centre and consider the mitigating affect on existing traders.  The ward member urged Cabinet not to limit the ESG project, to be flexible in its approach and to incorporate other sites.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Services stated that the ESG incorporated an extended and united City Centre and that the Hereford City Partnership would be considering this further.  It was emphasised that to do nothing would be to the detriment of the Hereford and that both national companies and local businesses were working towards the ESG.  The redevelopment of the Butter Market was given as an example of how the historical heart of the City would be incorporated in the future of the extended city centre project. 


A Member in Attendance stated that the linkage between the ESG site and the city centre was crucial, as it needed to be seamless and include retail outlets.  Whilst it was acknowledged that there was no easy solution to this issue, it was a crucial element to overcome.  It was recognised that flexibility of approach would be required in the current economic climate.  Members were reminded that a scrutiny  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45