Issue - meetings

Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 10/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Procurement Strategy pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To seek approval for the updated Procurement Strategy.


Additional documents:


Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the report which sought approval for the updated Procurement Strategy 2008.  It was stated that the existing strategy has helped deliver a good Annual Efficiency Statement outcome.  Members were advised that there would be an expectation for corporate policies to consider procurement arrangements before, during and after any process, with procurement activity being the responsibility of all Managers.  Training would be provided as appropriate which is reinforced by the Mini guides for both Council officers and businesses.  A register of contracts would be made available on the internet.  The Council was working hard to achieve 3% of annual cashable savings and whilst it was doing well at present, these savings would become more difficult in future years, it was therefore considered essential to have a robust Strategy


The Cabinet was advised that a revised recommendation had been submitted which included the comments of the Strategic Monitoring Committee which sought assurance that the Procurement Strategy reflected the Council’s commitment to fair-trade, it was further stated that the recommendation should also be extended to include support for local companies.


The Strategic and Procurement Efficiency Manager, Mr Dean Hogan, provided further details on the content of the Procurement Strategy and of the guidance documents and training sessions provided. 


Cabinet agreed for a progress report to be considered by Cabinet every six months with the next progress report due in February 2009.


The Head of Financial Services, Mr David Powell advised the Cabinet that the Procurement Strategy followed on directly from the current strategy agreed in 2007.


A Member in attendance welcomed the strategy and referred to the sustainable procurement section on the purchasing of ‘green electricity’ (paragraph 6.2.8, page 232) and requested that this be followed through.


In response to a question from a Member in attendance, the Strategic and Procurement Efficiency Manager confirmed that the thresholds for financial levels had been amended to reflect guidance issued in April 2008.


A Member in attendance stated that it was vital that consideration was given to how matters around procurement had improved (since the independent review) and that consideration should also be given to changes in attitude.




The updated Procurement Strategy be approved, subject to it being amended to reflect the Council’s policy commitment to supporting Fairtrade and local business.