Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 24)


For Cabinet to endorse the Homelessness Strategy, including the associated Action Plan, prior to full publication in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG).


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Social Care Adults introduced the report to Cabinet advising Members that an executive summary would be produced to accompany the Herefordshire Homelessness Strategy 2008-13. 


The Head of Strategic Housing Services, Richard Gabb, advised Members of a formatting error on page 82 of the report, as roman numerals should be indicated following the reference to (c).


The Cabinet was informed that as prevention was considered a key outcome of the homelessness strategy, a refocused team had been established to provide appropriate support for this outcome.  Mr Gabb advised Members that whilst defined within the strategy as a key outcome, ending the use of bed and breakfast as temporary accommodation would be problematic.  Additional pressures included the impact of the credit crunch, with the Council experiencing for the first time professional working people seeking information on dealing with difficulties in meeting mortgage payments. Similar problems were also being experienced in other local authorities, with some Councils housing those in need of temporary accommodation in neighbouring authorities.  With the end of bed and breakfast, Members were advised of the need to ensure the availability of appropriate accommodation.


The Head of Strategic Housing Services advised the Cabinet that a strength of Herefordshire Council was working in partnership and this was evident within the Housing agenda. Further work was being undertaken to improve and strengthen joint working with both voluntary and statutory organisations.  Members were informed that joint protocols were being developed with the Registered Social Landlord (RSLs) in order that potential problems, once identified could be actioned, or to allow for appropriate intervention to take place.


Members were advised of the relatively high number of 16 and 17 year olds who were homeless due to parental eviction; and aligned to this pregnancy was also highlighted as an issue for this age range.


Cabinet Member for Environment and Strategic Housing stated that the issues outlined in the report and strategy reinforced the County’s need to deliver 850 affordable homes in next three years.  This would be challenging within the current financial climate as there would be a potential loss of up to 50% of planned new affordable homes due to the pressures on housing developers and cut backs within their organisations.  The Cabinet Member additionally raised concerns, following the publication of a national report, which highlighted the high number of ex-service men who were homeless


In response to the points raised, Mr Derek Allen, Change Manager Homelessness, stated that nationally it was recognised that some of those leaving the armed services did have specific issues when they reintegrated into society which may lead some individuals to homelessness.  Mr Allan stated that national guidance existed which sought to address these particular issues and that former service men were not barred from accessing Council facilities e.g. Home Point.  Members were advised that the Council did receive correspondence seeking advice from former service men on how they could access the system and it was recognised that on leaving the services some do sometimes struggle.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24