Issue - meetings

Edgar Street Grid Development - Selection Of Preferred Urban Village Strategic Partner

Meeting: 10/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Edgar Street Grid Development - Selection Of Preferred Urban Village Strategic Partner pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To approve the selection of the preferred strategic partner for the Edgar Street Grid Urban Village and authorise detailed negotiations with that supplier prior to consideration of a full Development Agreement.


Additional documents:


Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Services introduced the report which sought the approval of the preferred partner for the Edgar Street Grid Urban Village and additionally sought Cabinet’s authorisation to detailed negotiations with that specific supplier prior to consideration of a full Development Agreement.


The Chief Executive of ESG Herefordshire Ltd, Jonathan Bretherton was welcomed and he advised Cabinet that at a meeting of the ESG Board on 7 July agreement had been given to seek the approval of the Cabinet to the selection by the ESG Board of Sanctuary Housing as the preferred Strategic Partner for the new Urban Village which would be conditional upon negotiation and completion of satisfactory Heads of Terms and completion of a development agreement.  Mr Bretherton stated that the successful bid outlined was innovative and the development profits would be reinvested in Herefordshire.  It was stated that Sanctuary Housing, a national organisation based in Worcester, held a strong social ethos, were advocates of community led regeneration, and had a strong concept of stewardship.  During the launching of the revised ESG masterplan on 8 July, Nick Paul, Chairman of Advantage West Midlands stated that ESG was the best example of partnership working within the region.


He reminded Members that whilst a RSL partner had been sought as a preference, the process did not precluded private developers from submitting a bid.


Cabinet Member for Environment and Strategic Housing stated that as there would be a significant amount of land used it was important to ensure the provision of as many affordable homes as possible.  In response, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Services emphasised that the Council’s current policy was the provision of 35% affordable units.


In response to a question raised by a Member in attendance, Mr Bretherton stated that at least 20 permanent jobs would be created by the development of the Urban Village, however a significant number of construction jobs would be created during the physical development stage of the project.


In responding to a statement that raised concerns regarding the UDP and the LDF, Mr Bretherton stated that he was satisfied that the development and the planning policy was well aligned.


In order to consider the details of the confidential ESG Board report, Cabinet moved into confidential session.


Councillors Dawe, James and Edwards left the meeting.




Under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12(A) of the Act.