Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/06/2008 - Cabinet (Item 17)


To receive and agree for consultation purposes a draft supplementary planning document (SPD) setting out further planning guidance on polytunnel development. This document is included within the Council’s Local Development Scheme (January 2008) and is being produced in line with the regulations of the new planning system introduced under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing presented the report to Cabinet and emphasised that the recommendation for the publication of the supplementary planning document was only for consultation purposes and was not final.  The Cabinet Member added that extensive consultation had already taken place with representatives from the farming/growing industry, local community and interested lobby groups.  The process had been helpful and suggestions and comments had been gathered from both sides, which had been summarised and could be viewed on the website. 


It was added that a balanced approach had been taken in drafting the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and set out within the policy were 21 supplementary guidelines to assist future planning applications.  The Cabinet Member referred to two of the guidelines.  Guideline 1: Economic Benefits – the benefits of polytunnels in enabling the production of increased quantities and qualities of soft fruit, the sustainability benefits of reducing food miles and the contribution to the rural economy.  Guideline 2: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty – in marginal cases where economic benefits are being weighed against landscape impact, priority would be afforded to the landscape over all other planning considerations.  The Cabinet Member reiterated the need for a balanced approach and that the document was only for consultation.  He added as a point of interest that Wychavon Council was seeking advice from Herefordshire on dealing with polytunnels.


Cabinet complimented officers on the report, the draft Supplementary Planning Document and for the way they had worked with the fruit growing industry and the community.

RESOLVED: That the publication of the draft Supplementary Planning Document be agreed for consultation purposes.