Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 8)


To adopt the Highways Network Management Plan 2008 to 2017 as Council policy.


Additional documents:


Cabinet was informed that the Highway Network Management Plan was a statutory requirement and should not be confused with the Highway Maintenance Plan or the Local Transport Plan.  The plan considered how to manage the transport infrastructure and the roads concerned.  Cabinet was referred to page 78 of the agenda, bold paragraph, with regard to the duties of a local traffic authority.  It was added that the list of partners was not exhaustive and that partner organisations needed to work together to achieve appropriate efficiencies.  Cabinet referred to page 86 of the agenda and the list of principle partner organisations on the board.  Cabinet also examined the objectives outlined.  Cabinet also referred to page 96 of the agenda and the current strategies to tackle congestion in Hereford.  It was added that from surveys of the public indicate traffic congestion is the single most important issue to residents in Herefordshire. 


Another key issue raised was the accountability of the Highways Agency.  Cabinet was advised that officers were looking to develop and Intelligent Traffic System for Hereford building on the existing system for traffic light management.  It was estimated that the cost could be in the region of £500k however; this would depend on the number of elements included.  Any intelligence gained would be shared with the Highways Agency.  A Member in attendance referred to page 83 of the agenda and traffic congestion in Hereford city.  The Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation drew attention to page 82 of the agenda, Integrated Transport Policy and stated that all aspects of transport needed to be integrated in order to make a transport system that worked for all stakeholders.


When considering the engagement of stakeholders, the Welsh Assembly should be added.


In response to a statement that if an overarching objective of the transport plan was to provide sustainable means, investment in new road building should be discouraged, the Leader advised that such a Plan should assess and tackle the County’s needs whilst also being mindful of sustainability issues.  The Cabinet Member, Highways and Transportation emphasised that within an integrated transport system, all aspects of transport had a part in delivering solutions (as outlined in pages 81 and 82 of the agenda).

RESOLVED That: the Highway Network Management Plan be adopted as Council policy.