Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 11)


To comment on the proposed changes to the number and locations of polling stations in Herefordshire.


Additional documents:


The Deputy Returning Officer presented the report of the Returning Officer on the proposed changes to the number and locations of polling stations in Herefordshire as a result of the requirement within the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (EEA 2006) that relevant authorities conduct a review of all polling districts and polling places, with reviews conducted every four years.  The Cabinet was informed that this was an apolitical report, and whilst approval in principle was sought from Cabinet, the Returning Officer would publish the final outcomes.


A consultation process had been undertaken between February and March 2008 which had included a number of consultees, the comments from which were attached as Appendix 1 of the report.  It was a statutory duty to ensure the provision of appropriate polling stations and Appendix 2 of the report set out the outline of the review proposals, rationale and the recommendations for each ward.


In discussion the issue  in finding staff to cover polling stations in very rural areas was considered.  All Council employees, at all levels, should be encouraged to support the democratic process.  In response, the Returning Officer stated that whilst local authorities were increasingly finding it difficult to staff polling stations, this authority should positively encourage staff to connect with the democratic process and develop a network of staff with the appropriate skills to support the electoral processes


Specific references were made to the following polling stations:

·     Page 184 - Llangarron: Cllr Hyde sought confirmation that no change was proposed; the Registration Services Officer confirmed this to be the case.

·     Page 185 - Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley: The Leader confirmed that the Parish Council supported the submission.

·     Page 192 - Burghill, Holmer and Lyde Ward: Cllr Robertson spoke in opposition to the proposal which sought to transfer the polling station for the Pipe and Lyde polling district from Moreton on Lugg Village Hall to Holmer Church Parish Centre.  The Registration Services Officer confirmed that the status quo would be maintained pending the conversion of a church to a community facility, which should meet the appropriate standards. 

·     Pages 223/224 - Upton Ward: Councillor Stone requested that the proposal for the Eye, Moreton and Ashton Polling District to be served by Luston Methodist Chapel to be reconsidered.  He expressed the view that Crawley Hall, the current polling station has good access and parking, both of which were lacking at Luston Methodist Chapel.  Concerns were also expressed that the change may adversely affect the number of votes cast and so have a negative impact on local democracy in additional to a detrimental impact to the environment as the distance to travel was further.

  • Page 219/220 - St Martins and Hinton Ward: Cllr Oliver proposed the possibility of using Saxon Gate a an alternative to Manor Rest Home as the Putson Baptist Church polling station be accommodating in excess of a possible 3000 votes.


Members were thanked for their comments, all of which would be referred to the Returning Officer for consideration.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11