Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 7)


To receive and agree for publication and further technical assessment, the emerging findings of an initial study of land with potential for housing development within Herefordshire.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing presented a report which advised of the ongoing Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, which was an important part of the emerging evidence based for the LDF (see previous agenda item).  It was emphasised that report’s purpose was not to consider prospective development but reflected the factual position of the assessment of potential as required by the national planning policy to demonstrate the requirements of regional housing provision.  It was stated that it may be required to dip into land that was eventually confirmed to be available in order to deliver the best sites for the chosen preferred option.


In referring to the maps circulated with the papers, the Cabinet Member advised that the Planning Committee raised concerns in respect of a number of protected open spaces and amenity areas which had been included as potential sites, these areas, outlined in the Unitary Development Plan, had been included in error and revised plans (which excluded these areas) were available to view at the meeting on the display boards.  Officers were reminded to ensure that the website was updated with regards to the maps.


Further technical work would be gathered to inform on site suitability.  The emerging work would be available to support the forthcoming Core Strategy consultation.


The Leader was advised that all Hereford City and Market Town members had been invited to attend the meeting.


In referring to the amendments to the maps, it was stated that the new maps would be made available on the web and a reference made to the fact that they had been amended to reflect the appropriate status of protected open spaces and amenity areas.


In response to a question about the input of utility services, the Forward Planning Manager advised Members that these services would be engaged as part of the next steps of consultation, following Cabinet’s approval.

RESOLVED that Cabinet approve:


(a)     The work carried out to date, as a basis for going forward;

(b)    The preparation of a more detailed survey report on the identified land;

(c)     Technical consultation on the study when signed off by the Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing.