Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 22)


To approve a Strategy to shape capital investment in Primary Schools in Herefordshire over the next 14 years, and to determine priorities over the next 2 years.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for ICT, Education and Achievement, Councillor PD Price, introduced the report which sought Cabinet’s approval to a Strategy to shape capital investment in Primary Schools within the County over the next 14 years, and which would determine priorities over the next two years.  Consultation had taken place and the views of a number of individuals and organisations have been sought (attached as appendix 1 of the report).


The Head of Performance, Planning & Development (Children and Young People’s Directorate), Chris Baird and the Schools Planning and Access Manager, Rob Reid, advised that it was a government requirement for all local authorities to prepare a Primary Strategy for Change.


Members were informed that during the life of the Strategy it would be expected that 5% of schools within the Country would be rebuilt with a further 45% refurbished.  The criteria for determining priorities within the strategy were based on local interpretation of the national agenda.


The draft strategy had been circulated to consultees and a summary of the responses received was attached as an appendix to the report.  The Cabinet was additionally advised that both the Roman Catholic Schools Commission and the Hereford Diocesan Board of Education had met (on 7 and 9 July respectively) and had endorsed the strategy.


Officers advised that match funding arrangements were proposed within the draft strategy with the expectation that schools would match fund any amount from within their devolved formula capital budgets.  Feedback had been received that the match funding element should be increased and changed to provide increased opportunity for more schools to apply and therefore enhance the benefits of such investments.


In response to a question raised by a Member in Attendance regarding whether proper consideration was being given to the needs of the rural community, the Cabinet Member ICT, Education and Achievement stated that he would be eager to take this point up and to ensure that such communities were given a fair say.


A Member in attendance stated that in his opinion the strategy concentrated on one part of the county and called for a balanced perspective.  Additionally it was stated that as the authority was also involved with the ‘Building Schools for the Future’ programme consideration should be given to swimming provision within the ‘Primary Strategy for Change’ document.  The Chair stated that the comments would be noted and considered if applicable.


In responding to a statement by a Member in attendance regarding kitchen facilities having been removed from Primary Schools which were now being replaced, the Chairman stated that the point was well made; however it would be important to provide appropriate facilities to teach young people to cook.


The Chairman, in responding to a question from a Member in attendance, stated that the Primary Strategy for Change was a statutory legal requirement.  Additionally it was stated that it was especially important to consider the future arrangements of primary school provision in Leominster as currently structures provided for separate Infants and Junior Schools. The opportunity to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22