Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/06/2008 - Cabinet (Item 16)


To determine the public notices to close Wyebridge Sports College in order to enable the opening of the new Wyebridge Academy.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Children’s Services presented the report and informed Cabinet that the Secretary of State was unable to approve the opening of an Academy unless and until the Local Authority had agreed to close Wyebridge Sports College.  The Cabinet Member added there had been no suggestion from the Secretary of State to indicate the opening of the Academy would be refused on the 1 September 2008.  Cabinet raised the question on how much consultation had been carried out with other schools and colleges and in particular with Herefordshire Sixth Form College and was reassured that considerable consultation had been carried out.  It was added that concern had been raised as to whether there would be enough students for the sixth form at the Academy as Herefordshire already had a high performing Sixth Form College in the county for students.


Cabinet was advised that traditionally some of the children from the South Wye area that had attended Herefordshire Sixth Form College and College of Technology in the past had left college prior to taking any exams.  It was added that the Government Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) insist that every academy has a sixth form and for the proposed size of the Wyebridge Academy this would need to be for 200 students.  The Head of Commissioning and Improvement stated that he had pointed out to the sponsors and the trustees that the number of children applying to take up a place might not reach the figure of 200.  Continuing discussions were being held with all the colleges on course proposals.  The Principal designate for Wyebridge Academy had had discussions with local businesses with regard to the skills they would like to see that young people had prior to coming into the work place.  It was hoped to reflect these skill requirements in the courses provided in the sixth form, which would provide an alternative to students who did not wish to go down the academic route.  The Leader reiterated the importance of working with the existing providers of higher education in Herefordshire for a successful outcome.


Members in attendance from the South Wye area confirmed the importance of the academy and commended the Head of Commissioning and Improvement for the hard work and achievements he had made in the area.  Cabinet was reminded of when the school had been in special measures and the great improvements that had been made since then and how important it was to do the best for the children in the South Wye area. 


The Leader spoke on behalf of Cabinet and all Members of the Council on the forthcoming retirement of George Salmon, Head of Commissioning and Improvement, and thanked him for all the support and help he had given to the schools across the county and to Councillors.

RESOLVED:  That the closure of Wyebridge Sports College on 31 August 2008 be approved.