Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/05/2008 - Cabinet (Item 74)


To seek approval to enter into a contract for the Learning Disability Accommodation and Support Contract with Midland Heart.



Prior to presenting the report, the Cabinet Member for Social Care Adults and Health, expressed her thanks and appreciation to Mr Geoff Hughes the former Director for Adult Social Care for the support he had provided during his time as Director.  Other Members echoed these sentiments during the discussion of the item.  Eleanor Brazil was welcomed as the Interim Director of Adult Social Care.


Councillor Barnett reminded Members that the Cabinet had authorised the continuation of discussions into drawing up a contract for the Learning Disability Accommodation and Support Contract with Midland Heart.  The process had included the holding of a seminar and consideration of the draft contract by the relevant scrutiny committee.  Separate negotiations were on going regarding buildings and around the service provision for the benefit of individuals with learning disabilities.


The Interim Director Adult Social Care advised Cabinet that it was considered that there would be a seamless handover in the provision of service from the Council to Midland Heart, with the emphasis on improving service delivery.  Robust systems had been developed with Midland Heart and the Council had worked on developing and defining its own role over the next five years.


In response to a concern that the report did not contain detailed financial information (including transfer of buildings) and that no alternative options to the contract had been provided, the Cabinet Member assured Members that there had been a tremendous amount of work undertaken on developing the Contract at every stage and appropriate assurances had been sought.  The Director of Resources confirmed that both financial and asset management officers had been fully involved in the process.



It was confirmed that the Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing Scrutiny Committee had received much robust information on the development of the Contract and was happy to support its progress to authorisation.  It was further stated that the close working between this Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet Member was welcomed and proved constructive.  It was recognised that the there was a need for the Scrutiny Committee to also monitor progress and outcomes.


The Interim Director, Adult Social Care stated that with relation to financial implications, more services were being provided to a greater number of users with the same amount of money by moving to individual living and accessing different funding streams e.g housing benefit, supporting living monies etc. 


In response to a question which sought to quantify the size of the risk to ‘resistance ‘ of moving from the traditional service model by individuals, staff and family carers, the Interim Director, Adult Social Care, stated that resistance was a common feature of change.  It was underlined that much work had been undertaken with staff, families and service users to determine their needs and aspirations, and it had been evident that younger people had differing expectations, thus the thrust of change had come about by the service users.  It was hoped that the opportunities for them should be greater


The Chief Executive confirmed that, whilst the Resources Directorate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74