Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 48)


To seek Cabinet’s approval for an updated Council Performance Improvement Framework and an associated Performance Improvement Cycle for the forthcoming two years. 

Additional documents:


Members considered the report of the Corporate Policy and Research Manager on the revised Council Performance Improvement Framework (PIF), and associated performance improvement cycle for the next two years.  The PIF required updating to take account of changes in respect of:


·                     the intensive programme to assure data quality;

·                     tightening of performance management within the Herefordshire Partnership and the new Local Area Agreement (LAA);

·                     the emerging Public Service Trust (PST) arrangements.


He said that the PIF would continue to be refreshed over time as elements within it changed and developed, because it was imperative to keep it up-to-date.   He drew Members' attention in particular to the following:


·                     The roles and responsibilities of members and officers in relation to the PIF (Pages 41-43 of the agenda refer);

·                     The Strategic Monitoring Committee (SMC) had welcomed the proposed PIF on 20 March 2008, and had been satisfied with its description of scrutiny’s role at Paragraph 9.7 (Page 42 of the agenda);

·                     A two-year timetable for the performance improvement cycle (pages 55-56) had been proposed - in preference to the previous one-year cycle - to ensure that sufficient time was available to take into account significant developments in the public service arrangements, for a major public consultation with the public about future priorities, for the results of that and the new mandatory Place Survey to be reported, and for a full process of debate and challenge to take place before a fresh corporate plan was produced for 2010-13.  In the meantime, the Corporate Plan 2008-11, which Council would be asked to approve in May 2008, would need to be refreshed in the light of developments over the coming year, to provide a sound basis for performance management in 2009-10. 


Members made the following points:


·                     They welcomed the PIF as set out, commenting that it was very clear;

·                     The process would involve a significant culture change, and the process would need to be supported by evidence at every stage;

·                     In response to a question, in relation to Paragraph 4.2 on Page 33 of the agenda, the Chief Executive said that managers would be required to run systematic checks on the quality of the Staff Review and Development documentation for their areas, and members would be advised of the results of these;

·                     Members said that the most fundamental aspect of the PIF was to ensure that all of the proposed actions resulted in efficient and improving service delivery, and translated into benefits for the Council's customers.  They thanked the Corporate Policy and Research Manager for providing such a detailed level of forward planning. 

RESOLVED:   that Cabinet approves:

               (i)      those elements of the updated Performance Improvement Framework at Appendix 1 of the report, which relate to Cabinet's own role and those of the Leader, lead Cabinet Members, and the scrutiny function; and

               (ii)     the two-year performance improvement cycle at Appendix 2 of the report, including the public consultation in Autumn 2008, to inform future priorities, plans and budgets.