Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 55)


To consider a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) for Herefordshire which looks at existing countryside access provision and the way in which the future needs of users and potential users can be met. 

Additional documents:


The Public Rights of Way Manager presented his report about the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.  The Plan was a statutory obligation, and needed to take account of existing access to the countryside, and the needs of future users.  Councillor Blackshaw said that the Plan contained details of how all the proposals would be implemented, and would provide immense benefits in respect of social and economic wellbeing, and for tourism.  He drew Cabinet’s attention to the fact that the Plan was also an integral part of the Council’s Transport Plan. 


Members made the following principal points:


·         There was merit in Town and Parish Councils re-considering their precepts in order to accommodate Lengthsman Schemes, and the significant work that was sometimes undertaken by them in relation to footpaths;

·         Resources were limited, and it would be beneficial for the Council to form partnerships as one method of delivering the requirements of the Plan;

·         In response to a question, the Public Rights of Way Manager acknowledged that some local authorities measured their Performance Indicators in a different way to this Council, possible because some of them were open to interpretation.  He added, however, that the Council’s Performance Indicators gave a very realistic picture of the present situation; 

·         In response to a question, the Public Rights of Way Manager explained that the Council was obliged to offer a 25% grant to landowners for the replacement of stiles, which the Council delivered and the landowner installed;

·         Councillor Blackshaw said that he would take up the issues of increasing bridleways with the new Chair of Visit Herefordshire;

·         In response to a question, the Public Rights of Way Manager said that funding from the National Lottery had been received for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and although there were some elements which would be used to improve access, the funding was intended primarily for improvements to specific features along the River Wye.

RESOLVED:   that the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Herefordshire be approved and adopted.