Issue - meetings

Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011

Meeting: 10/04/2008 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To consider and approve the Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-2011.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services introduced Chris Baird, Head of Performance, Planning and Development and Philippa Granthier, Business Manager.  She stated that the local authority had a statutory duty to prepare a Children and Young People’s Plan and to review it on an annual basis.  The Plan for consideration by the Cabinet was the second that had been developed for Herefordshire through the Children’s Trust.

The Business Manager advised the Cabinet that the Council was the lead partner in the Children’s Trust Board and that the priorities in the plan had been arrived at following a needs mapping exercise, debate at various forums with a draft plan subjected to an eight week consultation period.  Those groups who had inputted into the plan include a shadow board of the County’s young people.  The current document outlined the local authority’s priorities for 2008-2011 and would be subject to scrutiny prior to submission to full Council in May for formal approval.  It was acknowledged that the document was very substantial in size and Members were made aware that, whilst the formal statutory document could not be shortened, young people were keen to ensure the publication and circulation of a shorter document and had established a design competition for the front cover of the publication.

Members made the following points in relation to this item:

  • The hard work of the officers and partners were acknowledged and commended and the existence of the shadow board warmly welcomed.  Members commented favourably about the shadow board and its contribution to the consultation process.
  • In response to a question by a Member in attendance relating to the 10% of children with disabilities aged 14+ who did not have a transition plan support their move to adult services, officers stated that the data was being examined to identify work which would be undertaken with partner organisations and the Scrutiny Committee.
  • In response to a question from a Member in attendance regarding clarification of the reduction of pupils receiving statements, officers advised the Cabinet that children were the subject of ‘banded funding’ which provided access to support earlier in the process than waiting for the need for statements.  It was important to ensure that the support provided and the response given was appropriate to a child’s needs.  Members were advised that much work had been undertaken to determine priorities and the need to strengthen links across partners was recognised e.g with relation to statements.  Whilst much work had been undertaken to support these issues, it was recognised that there was more to do.
  • In response to a question relating to the scrutiny process the Director advised that the Plan was a statutory requirement which had been developed through the Children’s Trust which has its own governance arrangements.  Alongside that, relevant aspects were reported back to Council.  Both scrutiny and cabinet had an important role in the development of the plan, and the scrutiny function would consider the Plan during April 2008.
  • Members commented favourably.
  • It was felt that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63