Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/02/2008 - Cabinet (Item 41)


To receive a report on the Wyebridge Academy.  Report to follow.


The Director for Children and Young People’s Services presented the report on Wyebridge Academy and advised Cabinet of the proposed new build for the Academy; stating it came with some anxiety as it was a new project for officers and the County.  She added it was an opportunity to make best use of the intended investment of £22 million to refurbish the school and would be negligent if it was not progressed to provide better facilities for young people.  Cabinet was advised that the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) were concerned the Authority was being slow in progressing the Academy.  It was important to progress discussions with DCSF and finalise the statutory notices to enable the next steps.  Trustees and the Board were keen to progress the Academy further.


The Head of Commissioning and Improvement advised Cabinet that Wyebridge College had made tremendous strides in recent years. There were still details to be considered with the learning environment at the College and the new Academy would address this and meet the needs of children in the South Wye area.  Cabinet was advised that the opening of the Academy was dependent on the statutory notices for the formal closure of Wyebridge College.


The Leader invited Mr Martin Erwin, Chairman of Governors for Wyebridge College and the former Haywood High School to address Cabinet.  Mr Erwin stated he had been the Chairman of Governors for nine years and had taken on the role after emergency powers had been instigated at the school.  At that time the number of students achieving 5 or more grades A*-C at GCSE Level were in single percentage figures. He went on to explain how the school was transformed under the new headship of Wiktor Darren and had continued to succeed under the inspirational leadership of John Sheppard, with last year 52% of students attaining 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*-C.  Despite this the College was still achieving negative press coverage.    He stated it was believed that Academy status was the single opportunity for the College to break free of prejudice and thanked the Local Authority being supportive in this process.  He said School Governors also supported the process.  He emphasised the Academy would continue to be a community school for South Wye, with no Church places being offered.  The School, the Council and the community would be liaised with throughout the process.  He reminded Cabinet that the investment of £22 million would not be available again and that governors had voted unanimously to support the proposal for an Academy.


Mr Sheppard supported the comments of Mr Erwin and believed the Academy was a dream for something exciting to happen in the South Wye area.  


Cabinet endorsed the comments made however; Cabinet believed the business case should have been presented prior to seeking Cabinet’s endorsement.  It was asked when the business case would be brought forward and whether there were any circumstances which would cause DCSF to withdraw funding.


The Director of Children and Young  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41