Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/12/2007 - Cabinet (Item 4)


To note the position on this project.



The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) presented to Cabinet the position statement for Wyebridge Academy and stated that the outline business case that had been proposed was not ready, as there were outstanding issues which should be completed in time for the next scheduled Cabinet meeting.  The issues were around third party use of the school premises and the building costs, with the new accommodation being built on the playing fields allowing the existing school and other users of the premises to carry on in the current accommodation until the new building was completed.  The cost for this has been costed by Partnership for Schools at £800,000, which is in excess of the funds available.  Cabinet was advised that further information from Partnership for Schools was awaited.  Due to the design work that has to be carried out it was unlikely that further information would be available until February.


Cabinet was advised that local Members in the South Wye area had been kept informed on the issues and it was noted how acute the timing was for the Academy.  Cabinet was informed that local neighbours to the school had been consulted and that as far as possible the wishes of the community had been taken into account.


A Member in attendance raised concerns over the provision of a Sixth Form in the Academy and the effect this could have on the existing Sixth Form College in Hereford City, which is currently one of the highest performing Sixth Forms in the Country.  Cabinet was advised that it was proposed to target those young people in South Wye not currently attending Sixth Form.  It was also intended to give a broader breadth of education and to compliment and not compete against Hereford Sixth Form.


A Member in attendance raised a point of order over the advertising for the headteacher position for the Academy whilst still discussing the building of the school.  Cabinet was advised that this would be addressed in the next report to Cabinet when discussing the outline business case.



        (a)           the interim report on the progress on this project be noted; and

        (b)          the final decision on the outline business case be deferred to the next meeting of Cabinet.