Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/01/2008 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

48 Call-in of Cabinet decision on Colwall Railway Bridge pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To consider the Cabinet decision to approve expenditure to provide a temporary bailey bridge over the sub-standard bridge in Colwall carrying the B4218 if the results of an assessment report show, on deliberation, that such a solution is the most appropriate means of opening the bridge to normal highway traffic which has been called in by three Members of the Committee: Councillors MAF Hubbard, AT Oliver and A Seldon.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Cabinet decision to approve expenditure to provide a temporary bailey bridge over the sub-standard bridge in Colwall carrying the B4218 if the results of an assessment report showed, on deliberation, that such a solution was the most appropriate means of opening the bridge to normal highway traffic.


The agenda report detailed the three Members who had called-in the decision and the stated reasons for the call-in.  Appended to the report was the decision notice of Cabinet setting out the decision and the report to Cabinet on 13th December 2007 on which that decision had been based.  Also attached to the report at appendix 2 was an extract from the draft minutes of Cabinet held on 13th December 2007.  Committee Members had also received copies of the Network Rail Western Region report ‘Early Notification Report – August 2007’ and a technical drawing entitled ‘Colwall temporary road bridge’.


The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) reported that constitutionally the report had not needed to be put to Cabinet but in the interests of openness and public interest Cabinet had considered the report.  He briefly set out the background to the inspection of the bridge, its initial closure and subsequent opening limited to light vehicles weighing up to 3 tonnes.   He clarified that these actions had been taken following the Network Rail August 2007 inspection report.  A further inspection had been carried out in October and the results of that inspection had only been received over the Christmas period. 


Replying specifically to the reasons for call-in he confirmed that written confirmation had now been received from Network Rail that they were agreeable to a 50/50 share of the cost of the bailey bridge.  However, this would be subject to the appointment of independent advisors to undertake an independent feasibility study and assessment of the cost.  He emphasised that he wished to avoid spending £.5m now only to find that Network Rail would undertake works next year.  Concerning the cost of a permanent replacement bridge this rested with its owners, Network Rail.  However, £1m to £1.5m could be taken as a provisional estimate.  Regarding the competitive tendering process he had been assured that there was only one supplier of a bridge to the required length and loading capacity, as stated in the report.  However, he confirmed that the Director of Environment was reviewing the tendering position regarding the installation and associated works.


The two Members for Hope End Ward, who had been invited to attend, emphasised the severe detrimental effect the initial closure and subsequent weight limit was having on both the local community and businesses and commented on the difficulty larger vehicles were having in using the long diversionary route, particularly if approaching from the south.


The Programme and Contracts Manager confirmed that the diversionary route for larger vehicles approaching from the south necessitated a detour to Malvern with a subsequent approach via the hairpin bends coming down from Wyche Cutting.  He also confirmed that alternative routes into the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48

Meeting: 13/12/2007 - Cabinet (Item 12)


To approve expenditure to provide a temporary Bailey Bridge over the sub-standard bridge in Colwall carrying the B4218 if the results of an assessment report show, on deliberation, that such a solution is the most appropriate means of opening the bridge to normal highway traffic.

Additional documents:


Cabinet was asked to approve expenditure to provide a temporary bridge over the sub-standard bridge in Colwall carrying the B4218 should an assessment prove it to be the appropriate means for opening the bridge to normal highway traffic.  The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) stated that information on the assessment of the bridge had only been received 48 hours prior to the Cabinet meeting and had shown the bridge could be used by vehicles up to three tonnes in weight.  Cabinet was informed that Network Rail owned the bridge with the road across it belonging to the Council.  Network Rail has stated that it has no plans to replace the bridge until 2011/12.  Cabinet was advised that the recommendation was for the purchase of a Bailey bridge in partnership with Network Rail should it be found necessary after further tests had been carried out.


Cabinet was informed that Network Rail had indicated they would be agreeable to a 50/50 share on the cost of the Bailey bridge.  However, Cabinet would need to approve the whole cost as it would need to be purchased through just the one provider.  It was added that the basis of the charge between Network Rail and the Council was complicated and it would need to be checked by the legal department to ensure it was favourable to the Council.  A Member of the Executive raised concern over the quality of the Bailey bridge and whether it was reusable.  Cabinet was advised that each bridge was made to meet the specific needs and therefore not reuseable. 


A Member in attendance at Cabinet felt that the cost of the bridge should have been reflected in the report to Cabinet along with an indication of what Network Rail would pay towards the bridge prior to Cabinet making any decision. 


Cabinet was reminded of the impact the loss of the bridge had so far been on the people of Colwall and the business community and it was felt that to wait until 2011/12 before replacing the bridge would be too long and not acceptable to the community. 

RESOLVED That approval be given for the purchase and installation of a temporary Bailey bridge, if this is considered the most appropriate means to carry the B4218 over the existing sub-standard bridge in Colwall.