Issue - meetings

Herefordshire Connects Programme Update

Meeting: 13/12/2007 - Cabinet (Item 5)


To recommend to cabinet the preferred technology to replace the current client systems (including CLIX) used within both Adult Social Care and the Children and Young People’s Directorate.



Cabinet received a report recommending the preferred technology to replace the current client systems, including the CLIX system, used within both Adult Social Care and the Children and Young People’s Directorate.  Cabinet was informed that the implementation to get a replacement in place was part of the JAR Action Plan and was advised that the Director of Adult and Community Services had been tasked strongly by the Commission for Social Care Inspection on when it was to be replaced. 


It was stated that a number of site visits to other local authorities had taken place to find a suitable system.  Discussions were held with three suppliers with Corelogic coming out as the most suitable alternative system to the SAP system in the provision of adult social care.  Cabinet was advised that procurement was continuing through Deloitte using the arrangements currently in place, however should Cabinet decide to implement new procedures for the procurement; the process could take another six months.


A Cabinet Member spoke of the problems at the Bath Street premises and stated that the issues had been identified in the report but believed they had not been adequately addressed, as it had not been proven that the local area network to the building was capable of accommodating Corelogic.  Upon request officers advised that to up grade the Bath Street premises to accommodate Corelogic could cost £130 – 150, 000.


A Member in attendance expressed concern that the report did not adequately cover the stage that the Herefordshire Connects project was at and did not believe Cabinet was in a position to adopt the report without the whole Council being provided with a full update.  Cabinet was informed that the Corporate Management Board had addressed the Herefordshire Connects project on 23 November when all directors had been happy with the specifications and financial recommendations.  A Member in attendance raised doubts over the summary of costs due to differences in the figures.  Cabinet was advised that an out of date table of figures had been inadvertently put in the first report, which had been rectified in the second report to Members. 


A Member of the Executive reminded Cabinet that the option before them was the best way forward for the Council.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services was requested to confirm to Cabinet that the Hereford Connects project had met due process.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services stated that five tenders had initially been put forward, with three tenders put forward for the SAP system.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services confirmed that due process had been carried out and had been observed by himself and other members of staff. 


Cabinet discussed further the various systems available in particular the system used in Trafford and some other authorities.  Again concern was voiced over the Bath Street premises and whether it would be sold in the near future.  The Chief Executive advised Cabinet that having listened to the debate he understood Members’ concern over the robustness  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5