Decision details

To approve the expenditure of up to the value of £205,550 for Distribution

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To award the following contracts to carry out the Distribution Board

Award CM Ward for Batch 1;
The Aconbury Centre, Withington Primary, Much Birch Primary.

To authorise the expenditure of up to £28,780, of which includes a
contingency of up to £2,619.

Award CF Roberts for Batch 2, 3 & 4;
2 - Garway Primary, Clifford Primary, Kington Primary.
3 - Ledbury Primary
4 - Trinity Primary.
To authorise the expenditure of up to £156,400, of which includes a
contingency of up to £14,220.

To authorise the expenditure of up to £20,370 for external and internal
professional fees.

Responsibility for monitoring the project to be carried out by the Capital
Project Manager within the spend budget.

Contact: Ceri Morgan, Education Strategic Projects Email:

Publication date: 07/02/2022

Date of decision: 07/02/2022

Accompanying Documents: