Decision details
Herefordshire Council Social value
Decision Maker: Cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report seeks approval to progress with a new social value approach for Herefordshire Council, encompassing a social value definition, pledges, key value indicators and measurement framework. It is intended that this approach will assist the council in maximising social value contributions from the supply chain as it will provide a focus of priority areas and enable the council to measure the impact of social value contributed by the supply chain. The councils definition of social value is included in the report.
(a) The social value definition at paragraph 21 and pledges outlined in paragraph 22 are approved;
(b) The revised Herefordshire Council social value statement included in the appendix 1 is approved; and
(c) Delegated authority is given to the assistant director corporate support to agree the final key value indicators and measurement framework in appendix 1 with consultation with the cabinet member for commissioning, procurement and assets.
Alternative options considered:
1. Do nothing using the social value statement already in place. This is not recommended as there is opportunity to build on what is currently in place. Work to date suggests there is a need to support officers and suppliers in having greater clarity and visibility of the council’s social value objectives. In addition there is an opportunity to collectively measure social value delivered through the supply chain to demonstrate the value for money gained from the inclusion of social value in response to the obligations of the Social Value Act (2012).
2. Sign up to the national social value themes outcomes and measures (TOMs) framework through the Social Value Portal: this option was considered however retaining membership to the Social Value Portal presented a cost of £15k pa to use their measurement framework which has national as opposed to localised indicators and measures, limiting the extent to which Herefordshire Council focused key value indicators could be evolved and focussed to priorities.
Reason Key: Strategic nature / impact on communities;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Contact: Rosalie Schultz, Head of Corporate Services Email: Tel: 01432 383130, Natalia Silver, Service Director - Corporate Services Email: Tel: 01432260732.
Publication date: 15/12/2020
Date of decision: 15/12/2020
Effective from: 22/12/2020
Accompanying Documents: