Decision details

Decision to spend from the property services planned, reactive and capital maintenance programme 2018/19 at Blueschool House.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The refurbishment works in 2017 included for the relocation of the air conditioning plant from the roof to facilitate future maintenance but did not include for any additional air conditioning within the building.

The contact room, now more heavily populated than before by the Call Centre staff, has no mechanical ventilation and limited heating and opening windows to improve ventilation in the colder months will require supplementary heating to achieve a suitable working environment. The proposed air-conditioning will heat/cool the room and help re-circulate the fresh air.

Contact: Chris Jenner, Assistant director for technical services Email: Tel: 01432 261941.

Publication date: 03/11/2020

Date of decision: 23/10/2020

Accompanying Documents: