Decision details

Landscaping at the Master's House, St Katherines, Ledbury

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the spend of section 106 public realm monies received in respect of planning application P160606/F - Land at Galebreaker House, Leadon Way, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2SS for the purposes set out in this report, together with an explanation of the considerations that have been taken into account in reaching this recommendation.



(a)        subject to securing planning consent, approval is given to undertake landscaping works in accordance with the landscape master plan at appendix 2, at a cost of not more than £120,000 including fees; and

(b)        the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendation.

Alternative options considered:

1.          The council could decide not to progress with landscaping project, however the monies secured are specifically landscaping at the Master’s House which means that if we do not undertake this work in line with the terms of the legal agreement, there is a requirement that the contribution is refunded in full, if it is not spent in accordance within the terms of the agreement unless otherwise negotiated with the relevant developer/landowner.


Wards Affected: Ledbury West;


Two consultations have been undertaken on this project to date. A public consultation was undertaken for two weeks in October 2017 and another consultation in January 2018 with a stakeholder group. The feedback from both of these consultations has informed the development of the landscape plans.

Contact: Hannah McSherry, Housing Strategy Officer Email: Tel: 01432 383061.

Publication date: 24/05/2018

Date of decision: 24/05/2018

Effective from: 01/06/2018

Accompanying Documents: