Decision details

Homefirst and ebrokerage IT systems

Decision Maker: Director for adults and wellbeing (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve and award a contract for a new scheduling system for the new Home First Service and an Ebrokerage System, which will support the teams to deliver an effective and efficient service for both residents and social care providers in the market.



(a)       a contract to provide an IT scheduling system for the new in house Home First Service and an  Ebrokerage System be awarded to Webformed Limited for a period of up to five years from 1 January 2018 at a total cost of not more than £133,330.


Alternative options considered:

1.         The council could operate the Home First and brokerage services without any IT systems in place. This is not recommended as the new Home First Service needs a system which can rota staff and provide efficient driving routes to fully support vulnerable residents within adult social care in the most efficient and effective way. In order for this service to be cost effective, it is imperative that contact time with residents is maximised through the most effective route planning possible. Both IT systems need to be secure systems enabling care packages to be allocated to providers, which can audit and reduce the need to replicate data.


3.         The council could procure the systems from separate providers. This is not recommended as the council is seeking efficiencies across both IT systems, and engagement with potential providers has demonstrated that working with a single supplier is the only practical approach to implement the interface with Mosaic, the council’s existing platform for recording and monitoring adult social care cases.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Laura Tyler, Head of care commissioning Email: Tel: 01432 260641.

Publication date: 21/12/2017

Date of decision: 21/12/2017

Effective from: 04/01/2018

Accompanying Documents: