Decision details

Teachers pay award 2017/18

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree and authorise the arrangements for an increased pay award for teachers in Herefordshire for maintained schools.


The decision is:

(a)  a 2% increase for teachers on the main pay range point M1 from 1 September 2017;

(b)  a 1% increase for teachers on all other scale points from 1 September 2017;

(c)  a 1% increase for all allowances paid to teachers from 1 September 2017.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Lisa Fraser, Assistant Director Education, Development and Skills, Children and Families Email: Tel: 01432 383043.

Publication date: 29/11/2017

Date of decision: 21/11/2017

Accompanying Documents: