Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the building of a new school for Colwall Church of England Primary School at the identified site of Mill Lane, Colwall.  This will include the purchase of land to enable building to take place and associated works to fulfil planning and transport requirements.



(a)          a new primary school for Colwall be located on the Mill Lane site identified in appendix 1; the purchase of land at the Mill Lane site at a cost of £1.2m, be agreed, subject to planning consent being secured;

(b)         the building of a one form entry primary school for Colwall including associated works to fulfil planning and transport requirements and fees at a cost of up to £5.1m be approved conditional on planning consent being secured;

(c)         the payment of an option agreement fee of £50,000, included in the estimated £1.2m for purchse of land,to secure the land sale be made; and

(d)         authority be delegated to the director for children’s wellbeing to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations within the budget agreed.


Reasons for the decision:

To provide a permanent, modern and fit for purpose school building for Colwall CE Primary School.


Alternative options considered:

The school remain in the current temporary buildings.  These are not fit for purpose for a permanent school and would incur significant cost to rent over the long term; greater than a permanent building. Cabinet has already determined the need for a new school subject to the development of a satisfactory business case.

To build a permanent school on another site.  The existing site is not fit for purpose and the school continues to experience issues with underground water.  A new school building on the present site has been assessed as costing significantly more than a new build on a new site. Estimates suggest costs to be £6.5m.  Alternative sites have been explored and rejected as they are too constrained by planning or highway issues. The neighbourhood development planning process also identified the proposed site as the preferred one.


Reason Key: Expenditure;

Contact: Andy Hough, Head of educational development Email: Tel: 01432 260920.

Publication date: 21/07/2016

Date of decision: 21/07/2016

Effective from: 27/07/2016