Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To respond to the changes proposed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) to draft Regional Planning Guidance (RPG)


That the following comments on the proposed changes to the RPG be made:

1.               Rural renaissance Chapter 5 - Concern be expressed in respect of apparent diminution of the importance of this aspect in the RPG.

2.               Table 3 Housing on previously developed land in the Column “2001-2011 Target % on previously developed land” on the Herefordshire line be amended to read 63% not 44% as stated.

3.           In policy PA16, the encouragement to development plans to include positive policies for farm diversification should be strengthened to include the possible use of non-agricultural developments in the wording.

4.           Quality of the Environment Chapter 8 - the table in policy M2 be amended to refer to the Revised National and Regional Guidelines for Aggregates Provision 2001- 2016 issued on 10th June 2003 and the agreed sub regional apportionment (the current RPG refers to figures contained in MPG 6 1994) 

5.           In Policy M3 the requirement to "develop better systems to improve the way in which alternative sources of materials are used in construction projects”, although necessary are quite beyond meaningful influence by planning authorities. The words should be deleted from the policy.

6.           Minerals Output Targets and Indicators - M1 be amended by adding the word “only” after “To” in the first sentence.

7.           the reference to 0% sterilisation in the third target wording be removed as being impossible to implement.

8.           Transport and Accessibility Chapter 9

a)               RPG para 9.69 be re-drafted.  Proposed wording:

            “The A49 in Hereford is subject to increasing congestion.  This has a number of implications for sub-regional land use development and regeneration.  To address this issue a Local Multi Modal Study has been carried out.  The study identifies a package of measures to release travel capacity needed to accommodate development and regeneration and to allow Hereford to fulfil its identified role as a sub-regional centre.  This role includes supporting long term balanced sustainable growth.  Where appropriate, elements of the recommended package are included as priorities for investment in policy T12.”

b)               a line be added in table policy T12: “Hereford outer distributor road for which the need was identified by the Hereford Local Multi Modal Study” (this should appear following reference to “A500 City Road & Stoke Road junctions”).

c)               an entry be added at the end of table policy T12:  “Implementation of approved recommendations from the Hereford Local Multi Modal Study”.

Fig. 6 on p. 141 be amended to show A417 Hope under Dinmore to Gloucester as 'primary route' providing alternative to travelling through Hereford on A49 in times of flood.

Reasons for the decision:

To support the Council's position on issues of regional planning significance, and to make an appropriate response to the changes proposed by the ODPM.  (A copy of the consultation material is available for inspection in the Members Room).

Alternative options considered:

Comments on the proposed changes have to be made by 12th December, 2003 in order to present the Council's views, or not made at all.

Publication date: 08/12/2003

Date of decision: 04/12/2003

Decided at meeting: 04/12/2003 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: