Decision details

Corporate Performance Report 2013/15: Quarter 2

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To review performance for the first half of 2013-14 and agree any further actions arsing to address performance issues.


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services introduced the report of the Assistant Director Organisational Development which reviewed performance for the first half of 2013-14.  It was noted the report was framed around the two key priorities of: creating and maintaining a successful economy; and enabling residents to be independent and lead fulfilling lives with resources focussed on supporting the most vulnerable. 


In response to a question from the Cabinet Member Infrastructure about the rising numbers of planning applications being received, the Director for Economy, Communities and Corporate (‘Director’ subsequently) reported that the applications were being dealt with within in the relevant timescales, so there was confidence that there was sufficient capacity to deal with those currently in the system.  He added that rising numbers would increase income, potentially enabling the authority to increase capacity if required.


In response to a question from Councillor Powers, the Director advised that the National Planning Policy Framework required every local planning authority to have a deliverable Five Year Housing Land Supply.  A test case had recently gone to Public Inquiry, in relation to land at Home Farm, Belmont; an outcome was expected before Christmas 2013.  The authority considered that it had demonstrated that it had a supply of between 4.6 and 8.6 years, depending on the methodology used.  The Director said that the adoption of the Local Development Framework would enable development to come forward which would exceed a five year supply.  In response to a further question, the Director said that progress with the supply issue related to the complexities of local plan adoption rather than officer capacity, adding that many local authorities were in the same position.


Councillor Seldon advised that, at the last meeting of the General Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Assistant Director Economic, Environment and Cultural Services had been asked to provide a definitive definition in relation to the Five Year Housing Land Supply and a draft was being prepared for circulation.  He added that, having looked at the websites of various local authorities, Stratford-upon-Avon District Council appeared to have one of the most concise explanations. 


In relation to the economic development paragraphs of the Corporate Performance Report, Councillor Seldon questioned whether consideration was being given to alternative sites for major employment land, perhaps along the M50 corridor, if targets were not met in respect of the Hereford Enterprise Zone.  The Director advised that he attended the Enterprise Zone Executive Board and reported that significant progress was being made, with detailed negotiations being held with six companies.  He also advised that the planning permission identified that there was capacity for further transport on the estate and, although there were issues with the local road network at peak hours, the majority of enquiries related to the operation of shift patterns which would have limited impact on existing capacity.


In response to a question from Councillor James about planning applications that had been approved with weight given to the housing land supply issues, the Director advised that the authority could not unpick previous planning permissions and re-iterated the importance of avoiding delays in the adoption of the Local Development Framework.


Councillor Powers noted that Councillor Phillips had recently stepped down from the Cabinet to focus on the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), and questioned the reporting accountability for this role.  In response, the Leader confirmed that Councillor Phillips would report directly to him and it would be his responsibility to keep the Council updated on information regarding the LEP as it occurred.  The Director added that related reports on EU Investment Strategy and LEP Growth Proposition would be brought to Cabinet for consideration.


RESOLVED:  That the performance for the first half of 2013/14 be noted.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Ms Jenny Lewis Email:

Publication date: 12/12/2013

Date of decision: 21/11/2013

Decided at meeting: 21/11/2013 - Cabinet

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