Decision details

West Mercia Youth Justice Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To endorse the Youth Justice Plan as attached at Appendix A, for approval by Council at its September meeting. 





that the Youth Justice Plan as prepared, be endorsed, and it be recommended within the Policy Framework, that the Plan be approved by Council at its meeting on 27 September 2013. 


Reasons for the decision:

1,         The Youth Justice Plan is prepared on an annual basis on behalf of Herefordshire Council, Shropshire Council, Telford and Wrekin Council and Worcestershire County Council. The basic plan preparation is undertaken by the West Mercia Youth Offending Service according to the deadlines and guidance from the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB).

2.         The Youth Justice Plan sets out how youth justice services across West Mercia are structured and identifies key actions to address identified risks to service delivery and improvement.

3.         Under section 40 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 each Local Authority has a duty to produce a Youth Justice Plan setting out how Youth Justice Services in their area are provided and funded and how the Youth Offending Service for the area is funded and composed, the plan is submitted to the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

4.         The Youth Justice Plan for 2013/14 was prepared in April 2013 in line with the guidance issued by the YJB, agreed at the West Mercia Youth Offending Management Board on 1st May 2013 and submitted to the YJB at the end of June 2013.


Alternative options considered:

There are no alternative options as a Youth Justice Plan is required to be produced on an annual basis

Publication date: 29/07/2013

Date of decision: 25/07/2013