Decision details

Root and Branch Reviews - Phase 1

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report brings together the findings and proposals of the Phase 1 reviews of the Root and Branch review programme:

  • Older People in Herefordshire;
  • Customer Services;
  • Housing, Economy and Regulatory Services; (HERS)
  • Herefordshire Streetscene.

Cabinet is invited to note the progress of the programme since the last update on 5th April 2012, and to approve the recommendations being put forward by the review.




                     (a)          The proposals from the Phase 1 Root and Branch reviews be approved as set out in the Appendices and summarised in paragraphs 11-14 of this report;

(b)          The principles for future service delivery emerging from the Phase 1 reviews be approved as set out in paragraph 17 of the report and be built into  the refreshed Corporate Plan and future Root and Branch reviews;

(c)             The relevant Directors be authorised to jointly produce and implement the programme of Business Case development and Delivery Plans for the four Reviews and report to Cabinet as appropriate;

(d)             The potential savings opportunities as outlined in paragraph 34 of the report are approved as the basis for further financial modelling; and

(e)             A further report on progress against implementation targets for the Phase 1 Reviews is submitted to Cabinet alongside the Phase 2 Review output recommendations in April 2013.


Reasons for the decision:

The Root and Branch programme has been agreed by Council as an essential element of our medium term planning, to set the future direction of the Council and to address the financial challenges ahead.  The recommendations from the Phase 1 reviews are the first stage in the delivery of this programme.

            A number of other recommendations are made about our future approach to service delivery, engagement and partnership working which cut across all the reviews so far and the programme as a whole.  It is considered that these principles should underpin our future strategy and form an integral part of everything that we do.  As such they will form part of the refreshed Corporate Plan.


Alternative options considered:

Alternative options have been considered as part of the Root and Branch processand the details of individual reviews are summarised in the Appendices.  Cabinet may decide to adopt a different approach to the proposals or may wish to identify other courses of action for further analysis.


Reason Key: Expenditure and strategic nature / impact on communities;

Publication date: 12/10/2012

Date of decision: 11/10/2012

Effective from: 18/10/2012

Accompanying Documents:

  • 006 Regs 2012 Notice Root and Branch Sep12