Decision details

Future of Amey Strategic Partnership

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To update Cabinet regarding the negotiations with Amey on the future of the Herefordshire Service Delivery Partnership and seek approval of next steps.




a)    a procurement process commences to put in place new contracts for services currently included in the Amey Service Delivery Agreement at the earliest practical opportunity alongside other opportunities identified through the root and branch programme and that the current contractual arrangement with Amey is not extended except where required to support the procurement timetable; and

b)    development of the scope and procurement strategy be delegated to the Director of Places and Communities and the Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Major Contracts.


Reasons for the decision:

The contract for the services provided by Amey were coming to the end of their ten year term.

Alternative options considered:

Cabinet could agree a contract extension or take another course of action.

Reason Key: Expenditure and strategic nature / impact on communities;

Details of any declarations of interest: Consultation has already taken place.

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has already taken place.

Publication date: 19/07/2012

Date of decision: 12/07/2012

Effective from: 19/07/2012

Accompanying Documents:

  • None.