Decision details

Children's Centre Service Review

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


For Cabinet to be informed of the findings from the children centre services consultation and agree a course of action to determine the future delivery model.




(a)  taking account of the views expressed through the consultation, a ‘mixed market’ model of children centre services delivery be adopted;

(b)  the core purpose specification for services for families with young children be developed through the forthcoming root & branch review using the results of this consultation; and

(c)   a south city children’s centre is re-designated to a nursery to meet increased demand, and the Director for People’s Services be delegated authority to determine which centre is re-designated taking account of the outcome of ongoing feasibility work.


Reasons for the decision:

These recommendations are the result of the findings of a detailed consultation, which will enable the council to fulfil its duty to provide children centre services within the budget available, and in a way which best meets service user needs. It takes into consideration the current government thinking around the delivery of the core purpose and future statutory guidance due later this year.


Alternative options considered:

1      It is a statutory requirement to provide children centre services; however the delivery model is a matter for local determination. 

2      The provision of additional nursery places could be left to the local market to respond to; however demand based on provision for 3-4 year olds already exceeds supply and it is therefore unlikely that an increase in demand will be met.


Reason Key: Strategic nature / impact on communities;

Details of any declarations of interest: 31 March 2012

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Under the compact agreement a 12 week consultation will be undertaken between January and March 2012

Contact: Tina McGrath, Head of Locality Services 01432 261921.

Publication date: 15/06/2012

Date of decision: 14/06/2012

Effective from: 21/06/2012

Accompanying Documents: