Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree further research and consultation; to recommend to Council revisions to the timetable for preparation of the Local Development Framework; and to  recommend to Council interim arrangements in respect of the Local Transport Plan.




1.        Additional research and  advice on the impact of the Localism Bill along with further consultation, including an advisory community poll, be undertaken to inform the development of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy, and a further report on the detail of this consultation be brought to Cabinet in June;

2.         It be recommended to Council that:

(a)                    the Local Development Framework timetable be revised as set out in the table at paragraph 11 of the report;

(b)                   the linkage between the Local Development Framework and Local Transport Plan, and the consequent impact on the Local Transport Plan timetable be noted;

(c)                    the existing Local Transport Plan 2 be adopted as the Council’s interim Local Transport Plan3 pending finalisation of the Local Development Framework submission; and

3.         Delegated authority be given to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members, to take account of any views the Overview & Scrutiny Committee may express on the proposals above in drawing up Cabinet’s final recommendations for consideration by Council.


Reasons for the decision:

To afford an opportunity for the implications of the changing legislative context to be fully considered, and to enable further consultation, including a community poll, to be undertaken.  Linked to the changes in the LDF timetable, to provide for the continuation of the existing LTP2 to be adopted as an interim LTP3 in the meantime. 


Alternative options considered:

The current planning policies of the Council are set out in the 2007 Unitary Development Plan, which runs to 2011.  Whilst these policies have been “saved” and will continue in force until replaced, new planning policies are required to influence and control development for the next plan period – currently to 2026.  The LDF will set out these new policies and is a statutory requirement, with no alternative to its preparation.   


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Publication date: 17/02/2011

Date of decision: 17/02/2011

Effective from: 23/02/2011