Decision details

Swimming Provision for Primary Schools in Hereford City

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To determine the future of the LEA pool and arrangements for school swimming in Hereford. To consider the longer term requirements for swimming across the whole county.




(i)         the LEA pool remain permanently closed and disposal of the site be considered as part of the Council’s property strategy;

(ii)        HALO continue to work closely with schools to deliver safe, cost effective, quality assured swimming provision that will enable support achievements of curriculum targets; and

(iii)       the Council, in partnership with HALO, develop a long term strategy to support the development of swimming provision across the county.


Reasons for the decision:

There is no viable business case or funding provision to support the re-opening of the LEA pool. To ensure the ongoing viability of existing public swimming facilities in the council, including access for schools provision, a longer term strategy for development will be needed.


Alternative options considered:

To reopen the LEA pool would be unsustainable in revenue terms and would require significant capital investment.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Andy Tector, Head of Environmental Health and Trading Standards 01432 261989 Email: Tel: 01432 261989.

Publication date: 06/04/2009

Date of decision: 02/04/2009