Decision details

Herefordshire Partnership Governance Review

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


For Cabinet to note the outcome of the Herefordshire Partnership Governance Review and the impact this new structure will have on performance management and achievement of outcomes for the local community.




a)                  the outcome of the review and the new governance structure be noted;

b)                  a review of the governance structure be carried out in 2 years; and

c)                  Cabinet be provided with clarity on Herefordshire Partnership Board membership.


Reasons for the decision:

To ensure that Cabinet is central to the ongoing development of the Herefordshire Partnership and its governance structures and to ensure that Member involvement and links through to the community are maximised

Alternative options considered:

A number of alternative options were considered while the review was being carried out.  It is felt by the existing Herefordshire Partnership Board and Chief Executives Group that there are no alternative options which would ensure a responsive and accountable framework within which to successfully deliver outcomes for the community.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Publication date: 23/01/2009

Date of decision: 22/01/2009