Decision details

Three Year Proposals and the Corporate Plan 2007/10

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek approval for the draft Corporate Plan 2007-10 to be used as the basis for the initial preparation of directorate and service plans.  



a)      the Corporate Plan be approved in draft form;

b)     agreement be given in principle to  the strategic budget proposals in appendices 2, 3, and 4 of the report, with the corporate plan to be amended accordingly;

c)      the approved draft forms the basis for the initial preparation of directorate and service plans for 2007-10 and the Annual Operating Plan 2007-08; and

d)     approval for the finalised Corporate Plan be sought following agreement of the refreshed Local Area Agreement (LAA).    

Reasons for the decision:

Cabinet has approved the Council’s Performance Improvement Cycle, including the production of a Corporate Plan setting out the Council’s priorities and how they are to be achieved over the coming three years. The Corporate Plan cannot be finalised until the refreshed Local Area Agreement (LAA) has been negotiated. However, as the Corporate Plan is carried into effect through directorate and service plans, which also look forward three years, and through the Council’s Annual Operating Plan, approval of a draft Corporate Plan is needed to provide the basis for the initial preparation of directorate and service plans and the Annual Operating Plan.        

Alternative options considered:

Alternatives are exposed, as an intrinsic part of the corporate planning process, in the determination of the Council’s priorities and the commitment of resources to achieve them

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Publication date: 01/11/2006

Date of decision: 26/10/2006