Decision details

To commission project management, full design team, quantity surveyors and contract management services for the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery project (RIBA4b)

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To commission Mace Limited to provide project management,
design, quantity surveying and contract management services
for RIBA stage 4b in relation to the Hereford Museum and Art
Gallery for the sum of £215,000.00.
2. To allow a contingency of £10,000.00 from the budget for the
above contract.
3. All operational decisions in respect of decisions 1 and 2 above
are sub-delegated to the Museum Lead and Service Director
Economy and Growth in collaboration and in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Community Services and Assets

Contact: Isabelle Sheehy, Programme Co-ordinator Email: Tel: 01432383371.

Publication date: 17/10/2024

Date of decision: 29/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: