Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the outcome of the recent public consultation within the County concerning the proposal to establish Public Service Trust arrangements in Herefordshire. 

To agree the next stages in the process which will culminate in the completion of a partnership document.


THAT    (a)   the proposals for a Public Service Trust for Herefordshire be endorsed as a basis for further discussion with the Primary Care Trust, if a Herefordshire Primary Care Trust continues as currently proposed in the consultation document.

(b)    a joint project steering group be established to develop detailed proposals for further consideration by Cabinet in the event that the proposal for a Herefordshire Primary Care Trust is supported by the Secretary of State for Health.

Reasons for the decision:

1.                              The West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority (SHA) is currently consulting on a reconfiguration of PCTs in the region, as a result of the Department of Health’s “Commissioning a Patient-led NHS” proposals.  These seek to establish larger PCTs with strengthened commissioning capacity, and to create a clear separation between provider and commissioning roles.  The consultation includes a preferred option of retaining a Herefordshire PCT, but the SHA wishes to see how a relatively small stand-alone PCT can deliver the new requirements.  Against this background, Council Officers and PCT Directors have considered the concept of a Public Service Trust (PST) for Herefordshire, aligning certain Council and PCT functions to create a larger Herefordshire entity with combined commissioning capacity.  The SHA is interested to see further work on the PST.

2.                              These developments coincide with:

§                     Restructuring of the Council’s Children's Services and Adult and Community Services with separate commissioning and provider functions, and which is consistent with requirements on PCTs.

§                     Increasing importance placed on the achievement of the objectives of the       Herefordshire Partnership, and effective delivery of the Local Area Agreement.

These factors make this a critical point at which to develop a Public Service Trust to build on the advantages of co-terminosity and joint work to date, with the added strength of providing a single vehicle to deliver on the Local Area Agreement and the Partnership’s objectives.

3.         On 8 March, SHA Directors will be meeting Council and PCT Officers to explore and test the fitness for purpose of PCT proposals, including the PST.  After consultation ends on 22 March, the SHA will then be making recommendations about PCT configuration to the Department of Health.

Alternative options considered:

Not Applicable.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Publication date: 25/02/2006

Date of decision: 23/02/2006