Decision details

Award of professional services contract to undertake detailed design of the Holme Lacy Road Active Travel Measures (ATM’s)

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The HEZ and the council are looking to maximise active travel in and out of the Rotherwas area; creating and supporting the implementation of a specific Rotherwas Travel Plan. As investment and employment growth continues, it is vital that the HEZ works within the Local Development Order (LDO) traffic cap, minimising the impact of new development on peak time traffic through encouraging continued uptake of cycling, walking and other ATM’s.

The Funding Agreement (relating to HEZ activities) between the council and Marches LEP (dated 23 October 2020 and varied by way of Deed of Variation on 26 March 2021) includes milestones for the design and installation of a series of measures that implement the Rotherwas Travel Plan and provide ways for people to access the HEZ more sustainably. The appointment of Price & Myers LLP supports this outcome, and will use identified match funding (i.e. - HEZ Phase 5 funds) to implement the decision.

The project was advertised via open tender using pro-contract. Eight compliant tenders were received and evaluated according to cost and quality by three individual officers. A moderation session was held with a member of the Commercial Services team to agree final scoring.

Price & Myers LLP scored highest with a tender price of £84,706.25. This price was significantly less than the next lowest tender at £133,000, raising concerns that insufficient time had been allowed to deliver the works. Following further advice from legal and commercial services, clarification was sought from Price & Myers LLP under Regulation 69 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 relating to abnormally low tenders. Price & Myers LLP confirmed that sufficient time had been allowed to deliver the scope as laid out in its entirety, for the price quoted. Price & Myers LLP also provided a reference from another project which was delivered significantly below market value. This reference was followed up to confirm that Price & Myers had performed to the required standard in the work undertaken.

On this basis, Price & Myers LLP have been identified as the preferred supplier to deliver this work.

Contact: Neil Taylor, Interim director of economy and place Email: Tel: 01432 260921.

Publication date: 21/10/2021

Date of decision: 21/10/2021

Accompanying Documents: