Decision details

Approve a preferred option for the development of a new care facility in Herefordshire for meeting future demand and service delivery

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the preferred option to invest in and develop the council’s own care facility in Herefordshire to meet future demand.


The Council has identified that demographic changes and the development of the local care home market will bring pressure on existing capacity through increasing numbers of older and disabled people with complex needs. Additional care home bed capacity will be required to meet needs in such a way that the council can ensure access to care when it is needed and that the care is of high quality. There is also an opportunity to create new care facilities, which are high specification and fit for the future, for the delivery of care and support. Some of the options for consideration would see those facilities address the council’s environmental priorities, ensuring they are built to Herefordshire’s Future Homes Standard.


The options appraisal at Appendix 1 explores how the council can achieve 80 additional high quality care home beds under its control and sets out different options for doing so: 


1.     Do nothing;

2.     Enter into long-term block contractual arrangement with existing providers in the local market;

3.     Purchase buildings on the open market, redevelop and refit, to operate directly;

4.     Invest and develop the council’s own, large scale care home facility;

5.     Work with an investment and/or delivery partner to develop a new large-scale care home facility.


The appraisal identifies a recommended option for Cabinet to consider adopting as the council’s preferred approach, which would then be taken forward in greater detail for further consideration.




a)    Having considered the options appraisal for further development of additional care home facilities in Herefordshire Cabinet approves option 4.

b)    Authority is delegated to the Interim Director for Adults and Communities to take all appropriate steps to develop the preferred option in detail, for further consideration of cabinet.

c)    A similar options appraisal for new care home or other accommodation for children is prepared for cabinet’s consideration.


Alternative options considered:

1.         Do nothing and not consider or adopt a preferred model for achieving an increase in high quality care home capacity. This option is not recommended, as it would prevent progress in planning services to meet future need. It would also prevent exploitation of potential opportunities in local markets and effective deployment of capital and other resources.

Reason Key: Expenditure and strategic nature / impact on communities;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Ewen Archibald, Interim Assistant Director, All Ages Commissioning Email: Tel: 01432 261970, Phillip Hamer, Commissioning officer Email: Tel: 01432 383367, Jas Kakkar, Head of care commissioning Email:

Publication date: 28/10/2021

Date of decision: 28/10/2021

Effective from: 04/11/2021

Accompanying Documents: